Tuesday, August 17, 2010

I went for a bike ride today with the family. Yep, I woke up about 8.30 and put together an awesome bike trailer that we bought on clearance at Target (for Jax). By 11.00 we were whizzing down Two Rivers greenway... At one point I turned to check on the little monster; He had the biggest, goofiest, slobbery-est grin on his face! It was so cute I wanted to puke.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010


I am finally free of Facebook (victory dance on the chair). It was a long time coming, but all that matters is that I am free at last. Oh the sweet smell of an uncluttered social blog. So fresh and untouched... its innocence not yet snatched away, defiled like so many other bloated iJuggernauts(why Google... why?). How wonderfully strange it is, to feel safe from being raped by every 'gadget' and 'app' that infests the net. Like the dreaded app that wants me to accept the 'Secret Mystery Blue Cow, how about the app that can tell you which famous person you most resemble; How many times did you repeat that quiz before you finally looked like Jennifer Aniston?

The point is, my 'wall' has become a latrine for every annoying self-promoter and shameless chronic-inviter that social networking has to offer. So, I digress, it is lovely to see only letters, turning into words and forming sentences, unfolding into paragraphs, and subsequently giving birth to an intelligent and well-formed idea. How very 'un-MySpace'.

Since this is my first post, I guess it would be appropriate to reveal a bit about myself (as long as you promise not to sick Farmville on me).

My name is Christian Eichelberger. I am a 25 year-old student living in Nashville, TN while working towards a career in Graphic Design. I have a wonderful family and a job waiting tables--that I absolutely abhor (look it up, abhor is easily 3x worse then loathe!)--but I can't quit because there are no better jobs to be found. I am beginning this blog as practice for my own personal website that I hope to have up by the end of the year.

Anyway, I really look forward to my time with you, my beautifully simple and 'un-appified' social blog.